Frome Show 2009

The Frome Agricultural & Cheese Show was held on 12th September and saw the return of competitive classes for Guernsey’s after a gap of several years with 5 exhibitors having 16 females forward and entries received from a sixth.

Unfortunately the difficult summer weather had delayed the harvest in Devon and the Greenslade’s withdrew their 7 animals at the last minute but that did not diminish the efforts of the Somerset supporters with entries from Brian and Sheila Adams, James Bartlett, Maurice and May Durbin, Catherine Mills and Richard Norman and Dave and Rosie Paull.

Please click on highlighted names to be taken to CDI information.

David Crouch was the Judge and due to circumstances had one animal only in his first two classes with the In calf cow being won by Bickfield Suprema 55 from the Durbins with Cadbury Silverado Amanda 2 from Catherine Mills and Richard Norman winning the In Calf heifer class, she has really improved since her first appearance at Devon County in May.

Cadbury Silverado Amanda 2

The Maiden heifers found six in contention and a wonderful class of quality youngsters led by six of out FGB handlers with their usual competence.

In first place was Cadbury Hawk Pretty 86, whilst in second place was Chiddingstone Cassidy Margaret 2 with Hurdlebrook A Zenelope 6 in third place.

Maiden Heifers

Two in milk heifers saw Bickfield After Dark 4th standing in first place with Wiltown Lynne owned by Hinton Farms (The Bartlett family) but bred and reared and shown by Brian and Sheila Adams in second place.

In milk heifers

Three excellent second calvers saw the two Yogibears from Bickfield who also went on to win the Pair competition standing first and second, they were Bickfield Olivia 27 and Bickfield Golden Arza 6 whilst Hurdlebrook Daffodil was third this daughter of Sunninghill Park Royal Oak was out of a Kelsmor Daffodil 87 and Kelsmor would have won many Frome Championships in earlier years.

Second Calvers

Three senior cows provided the most comment of the day from the ringside as David Crouch seemed to be struggling to decide between the two third calvers Hurdlebrook Fortune 21 and Bickfield Olivia 26 before placing the sixth calver Bickfield Dot 56 in first place, with B Olivia 26 in second and the stylish H Fortune 21 in third place.

Senior cows

David in commenting on his Championship lineup gave emphasis to the longevity of his choice of Bickfield Dot 56 as Champion with Bickfield Olivia 27 as Reserve Champion.

Champion Bickfield Dot 56
Reserve Champion Bickfield Olivia 27

 The six FGB handlers then competed with their calves under Holstein Judge Roland Ley for both conformation of the calves and their handling skills in what were very strong classes with 16 calves competing from 4 different breeds and on this occasion it was the Adams’s Chiddingstone Cassidy Margaret that was placed as the highest Guernsey.

The handlers were competing in three different age groups and all did well but particular mention should be made of Bethan Senior showing a Hurdlebrook calf that had not settled in the morning classes but Bethan worked hard and finished in third place but the Judge commented that any of the three handlers could have won that class.

Bethan in third

Roland Ley had judged the Guernseys at the All Britain in 2006 and commented to me as to how impressed he is whenever he sees the FGB members and their calves in competition in the South West show rings.

The newly elected EGCS President Chris Watson also mentioned the success of the FGB set up in 2005 as a result the of the demonstration class at the Conference show in 2004 as being the most significant success of his long tenure as EGCS Chairman.

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