Guernsey Bulls awaiting proofs

having typed for half an hour and lost it at click of button here’s the shortened version
Who in their right mind is going to take the risk of young unpredictable sires with GMIs 100 points lower than now many better proven sires that came through the program and are still available. this is where Dr Bichards argument falls apart to continually use the next new generation because they are not good enough .
High index hfrs generally get there proof from fancy first lactations but true strong index comes from 3rd and 4th lactation good classification and persistance in the herd ,2nd lactation EX cows is a farce if they clasify EX 4th calf that is when they are genuinely prooving them selves, these should be the next generation bull mothers.
Extreme caution should be given to the american young sires although most come out well often they are poorer than predicted or 100 points better far to big a discrepancy, for example why has Loren now got incomplete PTA information was it not complete before he was chosen , Maxie Loredo initially had +2.44 for mammary now +1.4ish others too.
Just had some info on 2 GGBP bulls from GY wont say who they were but they averaged GMI 295 😮 ,i’ve no intention of making a reverse step so wont be using them when the likes of Aaron and Pedro etc are available, this is where your problem occurs as mentioned above in poor uptake of young sires not covering cost of collection it appears i am not the only one to prefer a known reliable proof than the risk of poorer quality young sire (PREDICTED TO BE POORER :!:)
Not an easy problem to solve thank goodness it aint my headache

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