little point in dreaming up another mean

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little point in dreaming up another meaningless award 50000 in 7 lacs or 12, which is better or the more likely, the most upto date method of recognising excellance has to be life time daily yield. At the Dairy Event the best herd was averaging 17+litres for every cow remarkable. Your breeders are crying out for profitable cows few of the dairy companies are willing to pay for the extra quality so they need long lasting milky cows eg hfr calves at 2 has 7 lac of 7000 without missing aday (one hell of a cow still not done 50k) 10yrs old when finishes 7th lactation = 49000litres / 3650days = 13.4litres per day of life. Life time yield is a true indicator of excellence any cows averaging 13+ litres have to calve several times and yield well. The benefit is it throws the outdated 305 day standard lac out, extended lactations and getting back incalf are rewarded just less emphasis on calving interval. coxy
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