A report of what was seen when not in the Pub in Cornwall, The Programme for the EGCS AGM allowed for three herd visits but a few of us managed find 4 more local herds to view, whilst i made two calls on the way down on Monday.
There is nowhere else other than possibly Wisconsin where that can be done and over 750 cows were seen.
All of these herds have improved in the 12 months since I last visited and I have taken a few photos of the cows that caught my eye.
I hadn’t expected to find any Buzzard heifers in milk but saw a couple at Carne, which are cow makers, and the Yogibears at Tredinney were also very good, but the bull that made the biggest impression on me was working in the Thomas’s herd at Buzzow. He is Boskenna Loreleis Jasper, out of B Lorelei and is a brother of Trewey Surprise.

The bull is still on the farm, but his daughters are neither Pedigree or Officially Milk Recorded, so will never meet the requirements to gain a proof, but the evidence was there in front of us.
The cows at Carne were still in the yard as they had just finished milking and so it was not possible to take any photos, but Carne Taste , her Dam by Gingers Jake and her daughter by Buzzard all impressed as did Carne Grinder by Jimco Lucas who impressed Seth Johnson when he saw her in 2004.
What particularly pleased me was the enthusiasm of Jezza Hichens who if he didn’t know the breeding would quickly search for it. We are very lucky with our young people.
Melville Jelbert’s Lower Keigwin herd were looking well and the daughters of LK Magic Lorry impressed which have matured into deep bodied heavy milking cows.
On Tuesday morning we dropped into Trevider to see Ken Hosking’s herd where the Excellent classified sisters by Wesley and Glacier impressed us, but again this was a very good herd of cows.

From there we joined the main party at Trewey where again there were a lot of good cows in particular T Juno 38 and her Sonny Boy daughter, but Skewes Ace by Highness also impressed>.

After lunch we popped in to St Senara where the cows again were looking well and the daughters of Trewarnevas Precious Lorry were outstanding, I had seen his 14 year old dam on Monday afternoon and still holding her own even though Trewarnevas are now milking over 280 cows, two thirds of which are monochrome.
On Tuesday afternoon we visited Buzzow to see the Thomas’s non pedigree herd, again a lot of good cows with the Mr Luck’s better than expected and a very uniform group of calved and in calf heifers by the Boskenna bull.
On Wednesday we had the visit to Tredinney where as usual there were a lot of very good cows with more than 25 cows with more than 50 tonnes lifetime. James as ever has all the breeding at his finger tips and whilst all were coloured there were rather too many “mousy” ones there for my liking.
I was particularly impressed with Highness Buttercup a second generation “bull mother” and her Chiller daughter, but also Ronalds Essence and Treloweth Harebell 73 ( Buzzards dam).>.

The best cow that I saw however was at Tredinnick just calved with her 6th calf and currently Ex 93,Tredinnick Pearl 4 she is a FW Magicman daughter with tremendous power and strength but with wonderful mobility for such a big cow and gave over 7800 kgs in her 5th lactation.>.