Shortage of Milk on Guernsey Island

Embryo transfer maybe a long term solution in which the “average” GY dairy farmer is to tight to invest  maybe?. A more immediate solution is to milk on the old “bangers “many of which will push out 15 litres for months rather than replacing them with a fresh heifer that is the practice at the moment because of the States restrictions on stocking density.

The cap on numbers of LSU / ha will have to be cancelled if they want the farmers to rise to the challenge. In conjuction with keeping the older cows on while numbers increase if they calved their heifers at 2 yr rather than 2 and half this would increase the number coming in within 9 mths rather than they 3 yr wait using embryo transfer.

 Finally if you get hold of the average yields of the GGBP heifers and compare them against the average of their home bred bulls some of which  were taken out of the scheme because there PTA’S were  not high enough i’ll bet the GGBP sires average well over 200ltr more , What a fantastic opportunity to promote the benefits of the GGBP with out increasing cow numbers .

 devils advocate as always coxy

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