I visited Gideon Lacey at Lane End, Marlow last week and was greatly impressed by the Elinor family where three generations are milking in the herd all of whom have calved again in November, the irony is that Beechgroves Elinor 12 (Re-Classified Ex 90),is a daughter of the bull that is said to have the worst fertility score in the breed and has just calved her eighth calf in under 8 years and has averaged over 8000, kgs per lactation.
Her daughter Elinor 13 (Re-classified Ex 90),whilst not quite as high yeilding is also just as regular a breeder now in her fifth lactation and both she and her dam have Yogibear sons at Beechgroves.
The cow that impressed me most was Beechgroves Elinor 14,(Classified Ex 91) this Yogibear now milking in her third lactation has really matured and is an outstanding cow, she is the dam of Beechgroves Ezekiel who has semen available from EGCS and has a Nomar son who has tremendous style Beechgroves Ezra.

Update 17/3/10
The HUK Classifier has been at Beechgroves today and for the first time we have a cow family with 3 Generations Excellent B Elinor 12 Ex 90, B Elinor 13 Ex 90 and B Elinor 14 Ex 91, in addition Beechgroves Shakira 3 , a daughter of B Elijah classified H 86. How fortunate that there is semen available from the latest son of the family.