The 150th show organised by the North Somerset Agricultural took place on 4th May at Wraxall, near Bristol.
The Guernseys with 24 females forward from 6 exhibitors were the most numerous of the dairy breeds, outnumbering the Jerseys by 8 to 1!
The show has for many years been supported by the Durbin/Sales and Parfitt families, and once again it was these two families with Bickfield and Graylands animals that provided the majority of the animals forward, but it was good to see Caroline and Emma Greenslade present with adult animals for the first time and to see the Adams’s, plus Norman & Mills supporting the Maiden heifer and Calf Handling Classes.
David Mann, from Zennor in Cornwall was the Judge and confirmed his growing reputation as a confident and accurate adjudicator, but he was I think surprised to start his day with 8 maiden heifers, most of whom were in the ring for the first time.
In first place, with the advantage of dairiness and frame and well shown by Laura Sales for Richard Norman and Catherine Mills, was Cadbury Hawk Pretty 86, she is the daughter of White Ladies Pretty 85, who had been the top priced heifer at the White Ladies dispersal sale in 2004.

In second place again from Richard and Catherine was Cadbury Hawk Onyx 2 who traces back to Trevarthian, via Treloweth and Mayne, she although one of the youngest in the class is a very dairy, well balanced heifer.
In third place was Graylands Elissa 9 by G Meadowsweets McCoy and again she is a young dairy heifer and was expertly shown by Elissa Langley.
Fourth again a very dairy heifer but who didn’t settle on her first appearance was Greensfield May Noble.
Fifth was Chiddingstone Cassidy Margaret 2 who has been extremely well reared by Brian and Sheila Adams and was shown by Jenny Paull.
This was not only a quality class but had more calves forward than the other 3 dairy breeds put together, these youngsters are the future of the breed and of the Agricultural shows.
Two in calf heifers saw Hurdlebrook Brenda in first place shown by Brian Adams and this Chiller daughter had the advantage in frame and teat position over Graylands Justina 2 by Tiresford River from the Parfitt family.

Two in milk heifers saw the first win of the day for the Durbin’s with the show team as ever expertly prepared and shown by the Sales family. The winning heifer Bickfield Posie 13 by Treloweth Karens Oak had a superb udder and tremendous balance and this gave her the advantage over Greensfield Oldenburg Swift.

Four in calf cows saw two veterans competing again and Bickfield Dot 56, a Champion here in 2008, won the contest with younger herdmate Bickfield Jonquil 4 in second and the other veteran and a former Devon show champion, Greensfield Pink Lady in third, and she traces too the Thicketmead Phyllis’s from Mid Somernorton of Faye and the late and sorely missed Peter Down.

Three young cows found the Hawk daughter Bickfield Olivia 26 winning the class and she had been Reserve Champion here in 2008. In second place was Greensfield Hero Star and this cow family originated at Happy Valley the herd of the late Sheila Andrews and she would have been a former long term supporter of this and many other shows in the South West.

Five senior cows made for perhaps the most competitive class of the day and gave Bickfield their fourth class win and this time it was Bickfield Alison 27 by White Ladies Daphnes Ambionic, purchased at the Trengwainton sale by Maurice who took the top place, but with Kingwell Magic Sedge, owned by Jon White but shown by the Greenslade’s where she is milked, who having calved in March this year was looking well. Third place went to Bickfield with a heavy milking Hawk daughter with two entries from Graylands in fourth and fifth.

The Pairs and the Group of three were also won by Bickfield before David Mann placed his Championship class but not before giving a very clear and comprehensive set of reasons.
He chose Bickfield Olivia 26th as his Champion for 2009 with Bickfield Alison 27th as Reserve Champion.

An encouraging first show for 2009 and bodes well for the season and the future and shows what can be done with enthusiasm and local support. It was good to see Tom and Mary James doing the stewarding here who again have had a 40 year involvement with Guernseys and the North Somerset show.