The first article listed those cows/heifers with a GMI of more than +290 and these are the most likely to provide sons as the matings are easier to make given that standards are rising across the Guernsey breed. However this next list includes a lot of very good cows but will require the use of the limited number of high indexing sires to raise the GMI of the bull calves to the desired level.
14 of the 22 below have 25 daughters with Brymor Peggy 15 producing 5 heifers from 4 calvings, but to date they have only produced 2 sons Boccadon Astor Ivan and Brymor Pedros Bear, unfortunately Bear tested to be A1xA1 for Beta Casein and was therefore withdrawn from selection.
19 different sires have daughters listed, with 7 of the 19 also listed as grandsires and there are a further 16 different grand sires represented.