Guernsey Bulls awaiting proofs

Young Guernsey Bulls awaiting proofs in the UK- Jan 09 

There are 18 Young Guernsey Bulls with daughters born in the UK that are awaiting their first proofs, the number of daughters listed are registered with EGCS and most of these bulls will have additional daughters in herds on Guernsey Island.

The One That Got Away!

Chiltern Vale Artic has just received a proof and is the first Guernsey bull to break through the +500 GMI barrier.

He is a Glacier son of Wardour RO Fawn 2 Ex 94,who has also regained top spot on GMI in the August proof run (+499), Fawn calved whilst still at Wardour in Dorset in 2001 during the FMD outbreak and was sold with a bunch of calved/in calf heifers to the newly established Chiltern Vale herd of Steven Medlicott’s who replaced his Black and Whites with a Guernsey herd and converted to an Organic system.