New Breeders Plans & semen wanted

Firstly I’d like to say what a nice friendly lot you fellow guernsey breeders are, very helpful and in quite a few instances very kind.

Having bred pedigree Dairy Shorthorns for 41 yrs I did dabble in Jerseys but have now got the bug for the pedigree Guernsey. I had a Stroxworthy cow some yrs ago, who was no oilpainting but a worker, with me till 16yrs then a house cow to a friend for a further 4 yrs.

Back to Work for EGCS

I am pleased to be able to report that the August EGCS Council meeting endorsed the decision of the Executive Committee made in June to re-appoint me as Field Officer/Consultant to EGCS.

Guernseys on the BBC

This last weekend has seen Guernseys gaining prominence on both BBC Radio and Television, firstly on the longest running program “the Archers” on Radio 4, listened to by millions of devoted fans plans were announced to expand the Guernsey herd at Grange Farm by an extra 20 cows so doubling production for the local milk rounds and the “award winning cheese” produced from the milk. The storyline over the past three years has been loosely based on the model established by Jason and Katherine Salisbury, but I am pleased to say that in real life there have been none of the “goings on ” that beset the Grundy family in Ambridge!

Future Guernsey Breeders Cow Camp at Babcary

The 2009Cow Camp” has just been successfully completed at Overton Farm, Babcary hosted by David and Rosie Paull, but supported by Brian and Sheila Adams and Matthew and Coral Senior. Brian and Sheila had selected and trained 12 bulling heifers in the 14 days before the camp. Matthew and Coral arrived on Saturday evening and turned their hands to any and everything that cropped up to help ensure the smooth running of the event.

Thornton Guernsey Youngstock Sale 28/07/09

Andrew and Michelle Hall had a very successful sale of their youngstock at Beeston Market yesterday. The sale which was caused by the recent collapse of Dairy Farmers of Britain gave an opportunity for others to buy into the very good cow families that are to be found in the Thornton herd.

Rozelyn Glacier Holiday

Hinxden Violet 3 VG 86 is the first daughter of Rozelyn Glacier Holiday to be scored VG in the UK and was Champion at the Kent County Show this week. Congratulations to the Manford family for making the effort to support the show with adult cattle for the first time …

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Camborne & Kent Shows 2009

The fourth generation of the Grose family are getting compeitive, after JJ’s win at Stithians, I said it wouldn’t be long before cousin Chloe was to reverse the positions and it took less than a fortnight for her to win first prize in the Young Handlers at Camborne Show with younger brother James taking second place.

Royal Show Guernsey Island 2009

Having missed the 2008 event, it was a case of deja vu. Saumarez Park provides a wonderful setting, for a Cattle show, the cows are straight from the field with no pre preparation and the amateur spirit prevails.

6 exhibitors brought adult cattle for the Senior show judged by James Warren whilst 5 exhibitors provided heifers for the Junior show judged by Jason Salisbury.

There were 4 bulls present from 4 different exhibitors and were Judged by Malcom Le Poidevin and the Senior Bull and Champion was from Bon and Margaret Martel and the Pedro son Cara’s Conqueror of Les Jaonnets is a tremendous individual for a 4 year old on a particularly good set of legs and feet and he teamed with 3 sisters by Pedro was to win the Peer Cup later in the day.