August 2010 Bull Proofs

Dairy Co published the August proofs yesterday morning and the top 20 International bulls include 15 bulls with daughters in England and Wales. In first position and with a GMI of +387 an increase of +30 points of GMI is Sniders Option Aaron (Number 1 in the USA as well). He has a reliability of 94% and has more UK daughters in his proof than US, which emphasizes the benefits of the GGBP in the UK.

Hartland View Herd

Andrew and Debbie Lewis were the main buyers at last weeks Sunninghill Park sale and I visited the farm which is close to Barnstable in Devon yesterday.

The 39 Guernseys have settled well and the Lewis’s are actively looking for another 20 cows so as to fully occupy the cubicle house that has been set aside for the Guernseys.

Sunninghill Park Dispersal

In 2001 after Foot and Mouth had devastated Cumbria, John Berry was pleased to be able to sell all of his good high yeilding Sunninghill Park Guernsey herd to the Thomlinson family who asked to be able to use the prefix at Bolton Park Farm, Mealsgate Carlisle, the herd was expanded to over 400 cows and was one of the features of the 2004 World Conference Tour.