Quality Milk Producers AGM 2009

 Quality Milk Producers AGM 2009

The AGM of QMP was held on Wednesday evening at the Dairy Event in the JCS pavilion and they were able to report a substantial profit for the year, despite having spent increased amounts on market support and having had to make representations to DEFRA over the PDO application from Jersey Island Dairy for the exclusive use of the trade name “Jersey Butter”. DEFRA have yet to make a decision and it is hoped that the compromise suggestion that the key word “Island” should be inserted ie “Jersey Island Butter” will be accepted.

New Girls at the Top Aug 09

The Top 20 Heifers from the Aug 09 Dairy Co Rankings

These 20 heifers all have a £PLI of more than +£120 which places in them in the top 5% of the breed genetically and the 19 that have been classified average 82.6 points which will be about 4 points better than the breed average. 12 of the heifers are appearing for the first time whilst the other 8 have all improved their figures since the April proof run.

Frome Show 2009

The Frome Agricultural & Cheese Show was held on 12th September and saw the return of competitive classes for Guernsey’s after a gap of several years with 5 exhibitors having 16 females forward and entries received from a sixth.

South West All Breeds Calf Show 09

The third All Breeds Calf Show was held at Wadebridge on Tuesday 2nd September and featured strong classes of Ayrshires, Guernseys, Holsteins and Jerseys.

The Young Handlers were center stage before lunch and 16 were competing in three classes by age.

August 09 Guernsey Bull Proofs from Dairy Co

The August 09 Guernsey Bull proofs were released by Dairy Co on the 23rd August 09 and show some encouraging figures for bulls selected for use in the Guernsey Global Breeding Plan(GGBP).

The top 2 bulls have again improved with more daughters and are now over 90% reliability in other words the proofs will not now change.

New Breeders Plans & semen wanted

Firstly I’d like to say what a nice friendly lot you fellow guernsey breeders are, very helpful and in quite a few instances very kind.

Having bred pedigree Dairy Shorthorns for 41 yrs I did dabble in Jerseys but have now got the bug for the pedigree Guernsey. I had a Stroxworthy cow some yrs ago, who was no oilpainting but a worker, with me till 16yrs then a house cow to a friend for a further 4 yrs.